A downloadable game for Windows

You play as a miner and you have to reach the bottom of the cave by dodging obstacles. There are currently 5 levels, which are all the same size, but with a different amount of obstacles. Overall, the game should not take you too long to finish, but it is still challenging. 

I made this game for Ludum Dare,  it is a game jam where you have 72 hours to make a full game. I did not have enough time to add in everything I wanted, but most of the important features are there. This is my first full game so do not expect it to be perfect, I know that there are probably many glitches left in the game and I didn't have enough time to fix them all.

I am going to be uploading a video to my youtube channel about how the game was created, and my process of completing the game jam here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzM-LkhfSlKwSY6WY0LJLMA


PixelMiner.zip 23 MB

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